Abe's Place Company Vehicle Policy

Company Vehicle Policy Abe's Place Tap & Grill Vehicle Policy

Policy Overview

The Abe's Place Tap & Grill company vehicle policy gives employees guidelines for obtaining, qualifying for, and using a company vehicle. A “company vehicle” is any vehicle Abe's Place Tap & Grill assigns to employees. This policy applies to all employees who use a company vehicle and applies during and outside of working hours.

Qualifying for a company vehicle
At this time this is based on each individual employees needs and approved by management. To be eligible for a company vehicle, employees must complete a form and submit a copy of their driver’s license. Employees are only allowed to drive a company car if they have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record. A clean driving record means the employee has not been held at fault for a car accident or arrested on charges of violating vehicle and traffic laws. Abe's Place Tap & Grill can assign and revoke access company vehicles at its discretion.

Company Vehicle Rules

  • Obey traffic laws in your jurisdiction and be courteous toward other drivers.
  • Document driving expenses.
  • Monitor gas, tire pressure, and all fluid levels.
  • Report any damage or problems to your assigned vehicle immediately.
  • Report changes to your driver privileges, such as driver’s license suspension, immediately.
  • Always lock company cars.
  • Bring the vehicle to scheduled maintenance appointments.
  • Do not drive while intoxicated, fatigued, or on medication that affects your driving ability.
  • Do not smoke in any company vehicle.
  • Do not lease, sell, or lend a company vehicle.
  • Do speed and no illegal parking.
  • Do not use a phone or text while driving, with the exception of Hands Free.
  • Do not allow unauthorized drivers to use a company vehicle unless required by an emergency.
  • Employees who violate company vehicle rules are subject to disciplinary actions which may include verbal and written warnings, suspension of vehicle privileges, termination, and legal action.


    • Contact the Abe's Place Tap & Grill HR department immediately. They will contact the insurance provider.
    • Follow legal guidelines for exchanging information with other drivers and report the accident to local police if required.
    • Do not guarantee payment or accept responsibility without company authorization.

    Abe's Place Tap & Grill responsibilities

  • Ensuring vehicles are safe before assigning them.
  • Scheduling regular maintenance.
  • Providing car insurance.
  • Retiring and replacing cars as needed.
  • What Abe's Place Tap & Grill is not responsible for

  • Paying fines employees receive while driving company vehicles they are responsible for.
  • Making bail for employees who are arrested while driving company cars.
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